Dienstag, 23. August 2016

I pack my bike and take with me...

handlebar bag with camera equipment and technic stuff: 7 kg

cooking gear: 2,7 kg

presents: 3,6 kg (2,4 kg less in Teheran)

books, diaries, maps: 3 kg

shoes: 3 kg

tent, sleeping mat, sleeping bag: 5,3 kg

clothes: 5,7 kg

cosmetics & medicine: 2,1 kg

safety utilities: 1,1 kg

water provision (empty) / filter: 1 kg

bike repair / accessoires: 1,5 kg

When everything was lying on my livingroom floor, I cannot believe that all that will fit in my bags.

But voilá, I made it! All together I have 45 kg on my bike, the bike itself weighs 20 kg. Wonderful!

And that is how I will bike around during the next months:

Tent, sleeping bag and sleeping mat will be added on top of the red bags

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