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Of course it´s not everyones cup of tea to travel alone. Even in a Muslim country.
Well, I can not comment too much about traveling alone through a Muslim country. That will be a first timer for me, too.
On this page there will be a final blog with a conclusion after the trip.
Traveling alone, even as a woman, always is possible. But of course you need to be more careful, than if you are traveling with a man. I already tried that, of course in countries, which are concerned as "safe". But what does that mean? Even in Italy shortly before I reached Verona, two bikers were trying to have a flirt with me.
Countries to which I travelled alone were Italy, USA, Portugal, Canary Islands, Spain, Maroc (with a girlfriend), India (with a girlfriend), Cape Verde (with a girlfriend). There were no significant problems in either one of those countries, no harrasment of any kind. Quite the opposite: I was always treated very polite and courteous.
On the one hand it´s how you approach people? Do you have a healthy self confidence and are setting borders? In a lot of countries men get it wrong if you smile at them. It´s like a hidden invitation. Of course you should not act unfriendly or walk around with a mean look on your face. But flirtatious behavior, smiling or body contact should be avoided at all times. You will sending out the wrong signals that way.
On the other hand: how do I dress? If I run through the souk of Marrakech with nothing but hotpants and a sleeveless top, I sure provoke harrassment. You should inform yourself up front about the culture and habits of the country you wish to visit. The books "culture shock" for example India are very good to read them up front. Here you can find everything about culture to avoid putting one´s foot in one´s mouth. (not sure if this serie also exists in english, but there may are similar books in your country)
Also you should not travel with a lot of gold and silver, expensive watches, brilliant rings or hang your expensive camera dangling in front of your belly. That only show how rich you are. Not that the people don´t know that you´re rich. You even had the money to buy an expensive flight, stay for several weeks in their country and stay in hotels which would be unaffordable for most of the local people. But you still don´t have to show it to them on top. And it also sreams to petty criminals "rob me!"
Of course it is not very appreciative to travel with torn and dirty clothes. That does not show respect towards the local people. Everything will be perfect if you are dressed decent and act friendly.
It is also helpful if you learn few sentences in the local language before traveling. People will be very happy when they notice, that you´re not only travelling from A to B and to tick off one attraction after the other, but that you notice them and are interested in them and their country. That does not mean, that you have to be perfect in Hindi, Farsi, Chinese etc., but some words like "yes/no", "thank you" "hello / goodbye" are worth a lot and are opening the hearts of the people towards you. I can highly recommend the bookseries "Travel Know-How": Kauderwelsch (of each language), for example Persian word for word.
Just try it and you will see, that you can have some great experiences traveling alone. If traveling alone more people want to take care of you, than if traveling with someone. A little sense in human nature next to some intuition should be in your luggage. Don´t follow everyone or take food / drinks from strangers. A healthy suspicion in any case is a big advantage.
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